Hyperautomation: Overview

By 2022, 65% of organizations that deployed robotic process automation will introduce artificial intelligence, including machine learning and natural language processing algorithms. – Gartner

Many enterprises across the globe have ventured into automation to automate manual, routine and repetitive tasks. However, to achieve significant results and accelerate digital transformation, enterprises must look beyond automating siloed processes using only automation technologies, such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA). While RPA can certainly help automate routine, stable processes, there are often processes that are complex and involve unstructured data and require intelligent automated decision-making. Enterprises need to come up with a holistic strategy and choose additional complementary technologies along with RPA, that enable end-to-end intelligent process automation.

A well-packaged solution such as Hyperautomation that combines Robotic Process Automation and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), process analytics, process mining, ingestion engines, among others and that can help in achieving end-to-end process transformations, is what enterprises need to adopt to meet their goals.

By 2024, organizations will lower operational

costs by34% by combining hyperautomation technologies with redesigned operational processes -Gartner

An enterprise-wide automation strategy to

reduce costs by 24% and increase

revenue by 8% -Deloitte Insights

Hyperautomation is one of Gartner’s continued and top strategic technology trends of 2021

With Cloud Engine’s turnkey hyperautomation solution, you can discover the right business processes for automation, extract data from even unstructured sources, automate complex tasks, strategically scale automation across your enterprise and do much more. With our proven process analytics and automation expertise, our certified automation experts have helped many organizations automate some of their core tasks, and transform their businesses.

Eager to know what Hyperautomation & Cloud Engine can do for your organization?

Why is Hyperautomation important?

In this post-pandemic era, enterprises are keen to amplify their automation efforts to be agile, efficient, and resilient. An HFS 2020 research report – Coping with COVID-19 stated that Covid-19 has led to a 55% increase in enterprises’ automation spends. Though COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation, siloed automation implementations are still not meeting customer expectations.

Hyperautomation also called Intelligent Process Automation or Digital Process Automation has emerged as the obvious answer to executives who have been looking for integrated solutions to achieve end-to-end process transformation, improve productivity, and lower operational costs.

Companies with an enterprise-wide automation strategy integrated with analytics and intelligence report higher returns in terms of additional workforce capacity, cost reduction, and increase in revenues.

Hear it from the industry experts

Businesses reach their true potential with exponential growth when processes are automated strategically – Nivedita Ratakonda, CEO, Biglittle Innovations

Transformation of Business Outcomes with Hyperautomation

A panel of industry experts and technology innovation leaders, including Mr. Manish Bharati from UiPath, Mr. Venkat Varadarajan from Intel, Mr. Sunil Reddy from Dodla Dairy, and Ms. Nivedita Ratakonda from Biglittle innovations, weighed the benefits of combining advanced analytics, process mining, AI, & automation in the recent TiE Global Entrepreneur Summit 2020. They emphasized the importance of hyperautomation and spoke about how to overcome the challenges that come with the adoption of intelligent process automation..

Why Partner with Cloud Engine?

Cloud Engine is a leading automation solution and service provider. With our deep domain expertise and automation skills, we have developed frameworks and implementation methodologies that have helped many organizations scale their automation solutions with ease and gain faster time-to-value.

Our single-partner turnkey & cost-effective solution will not only help organizations achieve end-to-end process transformation but also reduce their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) drastically. We leverage disruptive technologies such as RPA, process analytics, process mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning to derive insights from your on-ground business processes, identify impactful processes, implement automations and manage the process and robots.

Unlock the potential of Hyperautomation & be a fully automated enterprise

Benefits of Hyperautomation

Provides a comprehensive view of processes using process maps.

Helps extract information from even unstructured data using our document processing engines


Discovers impactful business processes using process mining.

Leverages AI and Machine Learning to enable end-to-end process automation and accelerates complex process transformations.

Enables enterprises to scale automation and increases business resilience.

Boosts revenues and reduces capital & operational costs.

Empowers the modern workforce and improves productivity.

Provides insights on automation results and drives ROI

Avoid dealing with multiple vendors, with a single vendor turnkey solution.

Core Components of our Hyperautomation Suite

To automate anything and everything and to be able to scale your automation initiatives enterprise-wide, you will need a comprehensive suite/platform like ours that includes Document Ingestion Engine, Process Analytics Solution, RPA and more.

Extract data and process documents
Gain complete visibility over the entire automation landscape
Streamline and Automate processes
With our Document Ingestion Engine
Extract large volumes of data from various sources
Convert unstructured data to structured data
Validate data obtained from multiple sources using our intelligent document processing engine.
Remove the possibility of manual errors
Integrate with existing business process and upload/update extracted data

By means of our process analytics, process mining & AI technologies

Visualize the entire process map and paths every process take
Discover processes, trends, patterns, and deviations
Define & Configure Key Performance Indicators and identify process deviations /inefficiencies impacting the metrics
Gain actionable insights on your automated processes and improve business outcomes
Find new automation opportunities
After automation, monitor and see improvements in KPIs

Using our Robotic Process Automation Solutions
Automate routine/labor-intensive as well as cognitive tasks
Leverage reusable objects, optimize robots and improve efficiency
Integrate with existing business systems
Test and deploy custom-built bots
Find new automation opportunities
Enable faster and accurate end-to-end process automations with the help of our RPA Center of Excellence

Our Approach to Consultation, Implementation, Managed Services

Our spectrum of end-to-end services specialize in delivering robust and reusable Robotic Process Automation solutions – be it for assessing automation feasibility or managing RPA bots, or a host of other possibilities.

1. Discover & Advice

2. Optimize & Implement

3. Run & Manage

4. Govern & Measure

  • Understand requirements from business users
  • Identify or detect end-to-end processes for automation
  • Assess processes and build a roadmap
  • Suggest the right framework, deployment and engagement model.
  • Set up required tools and build a Proof of Concept (POC)
  • Rectify inefficiencies in processes with AI-enabled decision-making.
  • Optimize and enhance processes with structured and standard data inputs.
  • Build smart & scalable automation, leveraging Ingestion Engines & RPA
  • Continuous refinement and auto-learning
  • Deploy automation at enterprise scale
  • Run the automated process securely
  • Ensure they are running accurately and around the clock with our managed services support
  • Provide Implementation support and remediate issues encountered
  • Measure and track ROI with the help of dashboards, reports, and metrics defined for each of the processes.
  • Monitor and maintain RPA robots and ensure they are running 24/7
  • Implement Change management and perform upgrades as and when required

The Cloud Engine Advantage

Cloud Engine Process Automation

Traditional Offerings
Entire end-to-end processes
Piecemeal, task-focused
Complete process visibility
Aligns with business outcomes
Unclear business benefits
Technology Partners
Single partner
Multiple technology partners
Complete solution tailored to the use case
Onus on the customer to stitch the solution together
RPA Use cases
Ideal opportunities for RPA identified through process analytics.
Opportunities for automation identified through ad hoc subjective methods
Managed Services
Ongoing managed services
Across different roles in the organization.
Only the process owner
Our process analytics, AI, ML, RPA, IDP tools
Restricted to RPA alone

Our Expertise in Automation

Robotic Process Automation

Intelligent Document Processing

Process Mining & Discovery

Managed Services

Our Differentiators

Worlds largest Automation driven Managed Services

100+ Business processes automated

100% Accuracy

Offering RPA solutions to 100+ Marquee clients

Homegrown OCR capabilities powering 35x faster report processing

USD 1.5 Bn Payments processed

1.2 million man-hours saved

25 Centers of Excellences


200+ Man years of domain experience

Out of the box solutions for key industry verticals such as BFSI, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, E-commerce, Government, Supply chain, Telecom, Automotives

Out of the box solutions to support enterprise functions such as Human Resources, Finance & Accounting, Procurement, Sales & Distribution, IT services

Support for any ecosystem (on-prem, public cloud, private cloud, multi-cloud, hybrid cloud) backed by 2000+ Cloud experts

750+ certified public cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle) experts

Strategic partnerships with automation giants such as UiPath, Automation Anywhere, SAP

Serving 4000+ enterprises across the globe with 60 of Fortune 500 companies and 80+ enterprises with over $1Bn revenue

Global presence across 25 countries, spread across Americas, Europe, Middle East, APAC

Our Success Stories


Globally renowned Japanese manufacturer embraces agile, advanced private managed cloud services to witness breakthrough operational efficiency sustaining 200,000 users concurrently at zero data loss and 95.95% uptime

Our Success Stories


Cracking Business Scalability, Security, and Business Continuity for India’s leading e-travel firm through customized public managed cloud services delivering 50% TCO savings and zero downtime services for 2 million users

Our Success Stories

Global Ceramics Brand

Ceramics giant reduces 40% cost and experiences zero disruption operations through effective public managed cloud services and SAP Workload management

Our Success Stories


Leading global media and entertainment firm efficiently transitions to the cloud witnessing increased cost savings, 100% data transparency via powerful, advanced, and resilient cloud migration strategy paired with end-to-end managed cloud services

Our Related resources

Hyperautomation – FAQs

What is Hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation refers to the use of RPA and disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), analytics, natural language processing (NLP), decision management, document ingestion engine, or Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool and more, to achieve true end-to-end automation.

How should I go about adopting a Hyperautomation strategy?

You can begin by defining your expectations for improvement and assessing the business-sense in the decision to roll out a hyperautomation strategy. Desired business outcomes include measurably improved customer experience, improved revenues, decreased costs, and increased productivity, among others. Once the rationale is specified from a business-outcome perspective, the roadmap to adoption becomes clear.

What are the challenges I could face with adopting Hyperautomation?

The main roadblocks to a successful Hyperautomation are,

  • Lack of data-ingestion means for unstructured data
  • The data volumes necessary to train the AI
  • Lack of in-house skills to understand the technology and propagate it through the organization
Can I expect immediate results from the AI layer in the hyperautomation solution?
  • The AI would be a powerful driver of the solution. However, it relies on training data, based on which it will improve and optimize its results. It can be expected to deliver results with accuracy gradually.

How can my enterprise firm up its own Hyperautomation readiness?

You can help your organization get ready for process transformation by engaging with a partner such as Cloud4C that has experts and subject matter knowledge relevant to your domain. It would also help by building teams to familiarize themselves with automation and AI technologies, an area that Cloud4C is ready to assist you with.

How can I ensure a smooth transition of the newer Hyperautomation regime?

How can I ensure a smooth transition of the newer Hyperautomation regime?

Get Started With Hyperautomation

To be able to guide you better, we want to understand your goals better. We encourage you to take a couple of minutes to answer our survey below.